Friday, August 14, 2020

It Started Out As A Wisconsin Wander

 The only 'known' for today's ride was that it would happen on my '07 Yamaha Morphous scooter.

I just took off thinking Wisconsin farm roads...but then it was here that it dawned on me that we had absolutely no smoked meat in the refrigerator!! (I think Peg sometimes hides the bacon).  At that moment, a purpose to my Friday ride.

What the day's journey looked like.  A direct route home....I was loaded down with perishables.

Other things along the way.....

One renegade bale....

I stopped in Houston, believing that I was finally visiting the Owl Center but instead was at the Environmental Center and campground.  Now I know where the owls are.  Next time.

Downtown Houston.....

Lunch at Elsie's in Caledonia....

No long line inside today but it was busy.  Before I got up to the counter, the line was once again building.

The marker commemorates the official border between Minnesota and Iowa.  It seems there was some confusion about where it truly was.


  1. No bacon?!? The horror! I tell my sons that bacon says God loves us. A tad sacrilegious it true.

    1. She says she never hides it.

      Maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough...happens sometimes with the candy too. Bottom back...under the linens... :)
