Monday, November 27, 2023

Lovely Morning - 2023/11/27

Our moon ready to call it a day......

But things are early-morning-busy in Lego Town!

Coffee shop busy, espresso machine especially so!

Apartment dwellers gone, on their commute to work....note the ladder for rooftop access

The bakery, while having some excellent croissants, found one past its prime and had to dispose of it in the dumpster out back.....they apparently go white when bad.

Penthouse linens replaced, the quarters ready for the next guests.

If I'm to believe what I've been told, the Police Station and History Museum will be breaking ground soon, the Zoning process almost complete.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

The 2023 Numbers Are In! - 2023/11/26

For the 2nd time this autumn, the hills and dales are covered in white.  It's a light dusting and just like the first covering at the end of October, predicted temperatures will once again melt the snow away.  But it's those predicted daily high temperatures that convinced me to finish putting the last of the machines away for the season.  That and more road salt which will be inevitable today.  The sidecar rig is the only machine not parked and as far as any winter riding.....we'll see.

Yes, total mileage is down, no surprise based on when, where and how often that I was out.  No complaints though, I thoroughly enjoyed me going's.  I'm not organized enough to keep track of miles/day or per's just not worth it.  From seat of the pants calculations, there were fewer longer days, certainly more shorter loops squeezed in between other chores, responsibilities.....and walks with Arthur.  At almost 10 months old, he deserves and gets plenty of attention. 

So here are the charts, make of it what you will!

And here's the comparison to the past years.....

Hopefully it won't take another pandemic to keep the numbers up.  I'll be sharing more videos over on that other video site of rides and adventures taken as well as a couple of projects that I've been having fun with for over a year.  Hopefully I'll be able to highlight and share some of my explorations that will bring a smile or even better, make you curious.  Very few things can compete with being curious.

Here's the latest video

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Meet Friends At The Pump Day - 2023/11/16

We here in MN are enjoying another Give To The Max Day, our annual drive for fund raising, giving to our favorite charities, often with matching.  It was all of that, we give and gave to our favorite things.  In addition to the official day, I had a celebratory day myself.  Record-setting temperatures for mid-November put me in the mood for a ride.  I was out, made it home through, up and over what must have been record-setting winds as well.  Riding on some roads at slower speeds with my visor up, dried, blowing leaves were pelting my face.  In the areas most flat and open, the adjacent harvested cornfields somehow found small chunks of corncobs smacking my helmet and now-closed visor.  That was a definite First.

My friends at the pump?  First of all in Wabasha right after an early lunch, I was filling my tank when a convertible MG pulled up beside. Richard, recognizing first the Himalayan and then Coop, pulled up to say hello.  Had I not just finished a meal, we'd have dined together.  He was out enjoying the weather just like I was, the MG would soon thereafter be tucked away for its long winter sleep.

Later, at another filling station, I stopped not for gas but for a quick cup.  A red scooter pulled in for fuel, a scooter and rider that I've been seeing off and on the last couple of weeks.  We met yesterday when I was on another bike but this scooter rider has become familiar with my white helmet and jacket on who-knows-which-bike.

I walked over to say hello and shake hands while the scooter was just being topped off.  Larry The Indian Guy was filling his 2010 Honda Scooter and it had been months since I'd seen him.  The last time I attempted to see him was a visit to his hospital room in Lake City.  In July, Larry totaled his Indian Chief and the deer, Larry came far too close to being totaled himself.  That Indian Chief has been featured previously on my blog.

Back in 70 years of age, the bike's odometer looked like this....

I believe that I'm correct in saying that the last time Larry saw the bike's odometer it read 520,XXX.   After the bike was determined to be totaled, Polaris R&D obtained the bike and what they did or found hasn't been shared with its former owner.  A replacement knee, healing bumps, bruises and road rash all tried to slow him down....and they have.  But in no way have they stopped him.

Larry went on to mention that he's probably done with big bikes.  He also mentioned that the local Honda shop has an ADV 160.....So good to see you out, up and about today Larry.  You've done well!!

It was a very good day for me while stopped at fueling stations.

Here's a sample of what my going entailed....


When I got home, added this one to the "Full tank and Seafoam added" list.

Over the last week or so, these have been list-building....


 Poor little Helix didn't get his portrait....but he's in for the big sleep like his siblings.

A few more to go, the RE sidecar rig will likely be the last...or not at all.  We'll see.

In other news, there was a picnic lunch in the River Falls park...

And Arthur's been out for early morning Deer Hunting season walks....

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Port Cities Explore (Duluth-Superior) - 2023/11/12

The idea to Drive up instead of Ride up had not only to do with a November-ish visit but also due to the fact that most if not all of my gadabouting would be urban. As it so often the case, preparing and planning proved to be a major part of the fun.  There were some very obvious things to explore but since I'd be around all weekend, I challenged myself to dig in and find some stops previously unknown to me, a few were certainly found.  Cameras, the drone, clothing layers and my walkin' shoes were all loaded into the van in an organized fashion as only I can.  Ask Peg about my organization skills.

Regarding the van, it was a major component in the adventure.  When the idea to go north in late autumn was being considered, I naturally assumed that I'd be bedding down in a motel somewhere.  From former stops in both Duluth and in Superior, for my job and for play, I knew of some motels with potential.  But between availability and their Very Bold rates, spending the nights in my van seemed a much more viable option.  I knew how, I needed to determine where.

I've stayed numerous nights in large retail parking lots, but I've also stayed numerous nights in State Rest Stops.  Immediately the Welcome To Minnesota 'stop was considered though when I checked the rules, there's an official 4 hour limit.  Based on experience and the fact that a mid-November, non-tourist season overnights were planned, I'd have likely been fine.  But I remembered the WI 'stop just south of Superior, a place I've refreshed myself numerous times on my way home from the North Shore.  Checking the WI rules, I found that overnight stays were perfectly that's what I did.

The temperature outside Sunday morning, my very passive body heat seems to keep the cabin's temp 5-6 degrees warmer than that, unless it's very windy.  I slept very warm, time inside the van but not under the covers is a bit more challenging during long-night-short-day seasons.

The route up, during and back down....

Many stops, steps and more than a few miles between.  I'm planning on a few Posts to cover in a bit more detail the things I found most interesting but I wanted to provide an overview of the weekend in this first one.

Hwy 210 through Jay Cooke State Park...

The Oliver Over Under Bridge....

Another bridge....the Grassy Point swinging railroad bridge.





".....camping fun....."




Derek, it was a pleasure!

The trip ended with non-urban visits to Amnicon and Pattison State Parks, both places I've never been before.  Northern Wisconsin is full of some beautiful waterfalls, now I've added a couple more of them under my belt.

Had a great time, 538 miles in the van and doing better with my foot traffic, thanks both to Arthur and to my trip north.

I'll be Posting some more're wondering how I could possibly have more images/video?  Well, you know better than that....represented above the tip of a large iceberg.  More soon, or maybe over winter.  I've got all sorts of content to Post and it's backing up.  It will happen here!