Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Last One For This Season?

Today I and I'm sure many others, had planned on joining our annual Swan Ride.  Registration (and FREE breakfast!) at 8am, the ride normally meanders down our direction with lunch somewhere south of here along the river.  The swans don't stop for a rest on their migration where they once did in huge numbers but the ride continues.  Bill retired and moved to Florida and now some other brave folks have stepped forward to organize and lead the ride.

The predicted temperatures and precipitation expected for the next couple of weeks may just be signaling the end of my 2018 riding season.  If I get out at all, it will most likely be for some short, very nearby miles.  The pie chart is taking shape and I'm actually surprised at what I'm seeing.  As a tease, let me say that it's been good.  Soon ready I expect but not revealed until I know for certain that real totals are in.

My brother hesitated about joining the ride this morning but in the end decided to join....

 I did not.  The snowflakes all morning were sufficient deterrent.

Saturday afternoon was actually not bad riding least it was dry and in the mid-40's.  Early Saturday was coffee time in Minneapolis and I was home before noon.  Thinking that I'd be taking the Helix on the Swan Ride Sunday, the yellow scooter chosen due to its superior weather protection, some miles beforehand seemed like the thing to do.

I dropped off the document package that I'd put together for this house when originally built.  Mrs. seemed excited and certain that her husband once back from pursuit of a wily deer would be as well.

Things started out well enough (Volt jacket liner was volting) but soon I just wasn't feeling it.  After noting that my thermostat unit showed no little red number heat settings, I gathered up the cords and decided to proceed with my ride without the aid of resistant electrical supplement.

Coming into Red Wing from the south...

Across the river into Wisconsin...

In rural Hager City, I pulled over to take a look and see if I couldn't figure something out.  The Helix has 2 SAE cord connections, one immediately under the seat and another in the trunk in back.  With the thermostat plugged inside the trunk, all seemed fine, heat working.

Pulling the seat off exposed the battery, the connections and most importantly, the fused cords leading to both power outlets.  The one I'd been using up front was a blown 8amp fuse.  Since I've never blown, replaced or even looked at any of my fused cords, I have no idea why that lighter fuse was there.  The 15amp supplying the rear cord was in fine shape.   They were swapped and I once again had warm comfort.

Friend Patti's parents-in-law live on this farm, the barn in big letters proudly proclaiming "EAT CHEESE".

My uncles sold their gravel pit to these folks.....

I pulled in to the Trenton Cemetery thinking that I'd do some exploring on some of the Sea Wing disaster headstones but decided to come back and look another day after I'd have a chance to do a bit of research on some of the folks that didn't make it to shore.

Proceeding to Minnesota and here crossing the Wisconsin back channel.

I was surprised at the number of bald eagles I'd seen on the day's short ride, a few flying but more of them sitting out in harvested cornfields, no doubt chasing exposed critters.  This one was flying and managed to be caught on my helmet cam.

Work on the bridge continues...

Barn Bluff ahead; more grain trucks.  Grain trucks everywhere trying to keep up with those 12 and 16 row combines that are doing all of the gathering.

Some pie and coffee in Red Wing...

 70 miles on the Helix....have I ever mentioned what an excellent touring machine it is??


  1. Doug turned me the dark side.....Helix side.. a Helix convert.. fun fun fun… and yes.. I did weekend overnights.

    1. They are quite the machine. Having not been on mine for awhile, it was fun to be back in that plush saddle. Just one more that can't be liquidated.

  2. Someday, when I can no longer get my leg up and over. The scooters do look like fun!

  3. Yo.. EC..don't wait until ya have to take Silver Centrum and ED pills...( I'v just read about them ) to throw a leg over... get a scooter.. enjoy the fun. :) :) :)

  4. What kind of pie? You know, the important info...

    1. It was blueberry....I'll go fruit every single time, berries at the top of the list, if I can.
      You are right, something important was neglected.

  5. Never heard of the Sea Wing disaster until now. Steve and I have been wandering around and through Trenton lately. Looks like we'll have to make a stop at the cemetery.

    Thanks for sharing the ride. Scott S

    1. Scott, there is a monument mentioning the disaster; hard to believe that it was America's worst on water.
