Wednesday, December 28, 2022

December snows - 2022/12/28

They we received the 'wet and heavy'.  Snow barely colder than water and out there on the end of a guy's shovel, almost heavier.

An organic world in geometric shapes...

5:32 am, December 22nd....Tractor plugged in

And then it started to blow...the Blizzard Warning weather had arrived.

Road closures Southwest Minnesota....

Road incidents in the Twin Cities Metro....

After the blowing but still very cold!  Bare ground in many spots but drifts, very hard drifts in others to make up for the bare spots.

Solid chunks, overwhelming the capacity of the full-sized scoop shovel....and my back.

To give the chickens breakfast....I could almost stand on top of it.  Motocross boot deep by the fence post.

Very tough on solar production...

The 'wave' toward the coop is thigh-deep.

Mid-afternoon today, December 28th.  39-40 degrees today, by this evening the panels were clear.  No one, no thing was hurt as the panels cleared themselves.

Today's kWh's........

And this afternoon...I counted 9 deer coming back for their fermenting apples.

I cleared off the parking area, likely a couple inches of hard packed snow, now it's down to the gravel.  It's a good thing the snow is covering the landscape, it's gentler on everything resting beneath.  I don't want temperate ground on the driveway, that's supposed to freeze good and hard so that I can keep the gravel clean with the tractor.  The snow chains were adjusted and tightened up.

Knock on wood, we're ready for the next one.


  1. Nice patterns collected in the snow pics Coop! Also, pretty nice sunset shot.

    1. Thanks, I'm a fan of geometric shapes anywhere, especially appreciated out there in the big outdoors!

  2. Let's call her "Donna". Like clockwork, Donna or one of her neighbors visit the apple tree to seek more fallen, rotten apples. Often she's bringing friends but more often than not, an offspring. Donna or otherwise, they're becoming tolerant of Coop's quiet presence.

  3. Oh....I meant DAWN the Deer. Yeah, that's it! And as long as they just eat the funny apples, nobody needs to get hurt.
