Saturday, December 28, 2019

Royal Enfield Himalayan - Snowy Mtns Wyoming - July 2019

Here's Week #2 of my July/August 2019 trip west.  The first week was covered a few blog Posts ago, detailing my time in the Black Hills here.

The video

Earlier Posts from the trip I made while actually out West, posted from coffee shops and libraries....

People and Food


It was a very enjoyable 2 weeks; my Base Camp style of National Forest Campground camping worked well was both affordable and convenient.  Luxurious accommodations in the minivan, a tarp, a large camp stove, a cooler, the laptop....plenty of amenities present to return to each evening.

I'd wrap things up by saying that my favorite part about Week 1 in the Black Hills was the riding.  The best part about Week 2 in the Snowy Mountain Range was simply being there; I rode less, stopped and walked more with emphasis on simply enjoying breathing the thinner high mountain air and wide open spaces.

Speaking of thinner air, it dawned on me only later that my first week spent in the Black Hill elevations must have prepared me for being even higher the following week.  We live at 650 ft. above sea level, the Black Hills exposed me to 5000 - 7000 ft and the Wyoming elevations were 9000 - almost 11,000 ft.  I never experienced shortage of breath or even noticed the higher altitudes.

This coming season's trips are still being thought about; real planning has not yet started but there are some stronger possibilities being focused upon.  More when I know.


  1. Very cool video… “Need WiFi”.

  2. Thank you Richard. I really needed online access.....but not for entertainment. Through dumb luck and inattention, it was the 2nd month in a row that my automatic Bill Pay for Verizon, a very essential service in my position didn't get made. Their nasty gram got me very anxious during a time that online banking became nigh impossible. The coffee shop finally opened and the attendant eventually managed to get their WiFi fired up and running.

    It was a long coffee stop, luckily I had time.

  3. Stun'n scenery …. brings back many memories…

    1. You said it Mike, stunning and memories flooded back for me too.

  4. Cooper, I missed so much this year, how did that happen. Lo e your use of the camera carrying drone. Luxury to have a van to carry the camp g equipment. Smart. Happy New Year.

    1. Thanks VSL, around here it was Full and Fast both; hard to believe it's now to tick another one.

      The van combo makes it so nice in many ways and yet I'm really excited about another ride-only trip, putting some miles to-around-from.

      Hope your work season is going well and that spring arrives for us all as it should. Happy New Year!

  5. Great video, Doug. Thanks for sharing. Drones give us such a new and unique view of our surroundings. I use mine to record changes an the vegetation at our place in WI. Too bad so many folks get so weirded out about them...Chip

    1. Thanks Chip. The unique view makes it fun, entertaining and potentially worthwhile. I worked hard last summer to document our driveway changes but my hope is to use it in areas I ride in. Small enough to take along and easy enough that even I can fly it, I'm hoping to improve my skills and videography.
