It started Thursday evening with my attendance at
Home For The Holidays. Hanna announced a week earlier that she'd have no trouble obtaining some Comp tickets so that if Peg and I or any of our friends might be interested, tickets would be available.
Four of our friends were and had attended earlier on Thursday at the 11:00 performance. After work that day, I soloed at the 7:30 show and very much enjoyed it. Stories, music, jokes and themes very much at home in the Midwest.
The VocalEssence Singers of this Age in the lobby before the concert
Midwest Animal Rescue was there as well....
Gingerbread homes were being fabricated in the lobby....
And then just before the show....
Friday started early with more Christmas preparation, some (more) last minute shopping but then in the afternoon, Hanna came, dropping off her Birman so that we could catsit while Hanna is in New York over the Holidays.
Saturday morning, another coffee sipping session at Diamonds in Minneapolis for me and a decent-sized crew. Amazingly warm weather that has lasted and continues to last.....melting in the low 40's. I saw 39 degrees at the Official Solstice Time of 10:15PM while we were on our way home from Lauren's concert in LaCrosse at the Viterbo Symphony Hall. Holiday Romance, waltzes, ballet dancers, a sing-a-long...we did it all after enjoying dinner together before the concert.
Before heading to LaCrosse for the afternoon concert, a different though just as lovely type of music in the warm afternoon sunshine that I've previously mentioned....Once again, the rig "popped right off", amazing really. I push it out of the garage, hit the button, a rotation and a half.....bum bum bum bum.....
When I was up on top in the State Park, a pedestrian tourist seemed not only willing, but determined to take my photo.
Sunday just before noon, we met Hanna in
Minneapolis at the Hi-Lo Diner. One of not that many left, an original from the NJ maker of Fodero Dining Cars. It served meals in PA and OH before finding its way to Minneapolis. I meant to take a photo outside and forgot, but I did manage a photo of the important part....I'll definitely go back....maybe there will be a time when it's NOT so busy??
Amazingly, that same tourist that I'd seen documenting my presence up in the State Park was at Sunday's concert in Orchestra Hall.
Once again, she managed to get a snap of me (across the hall) was almost sold out by the time we got our tickets.
The movie, my favorite Holiday movie, was seen in quite literally a new light. There was music in the original score that Capra left out (chopped out according to the composer) in the finished film, more lush and complete than what we're accustomed to. Also, Ms. Hicks, the conductor, gave a presentation before the concert, explaining much about the necessary and expensive technology involved with combining live music with the video/spoken audio in the film. According to what she explained, the European's are far ahead of us in this style of film presentation.
And finally, the living, breathing and lone Rogue in the gallery.....
We're ready....hope that you are!! The tarts are being filled as I type.