Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Duluth Train/Depot Museum - 2023/12/15 (2023/11/12)

This Post focuses on the visit I made back in November, my Explore Duluth More-themed look into places in our Port City that were either new to me or those that justified a closer look.  I've made many trips through Duluth on my way further north and too often found myself racing through.  There were exceptions....moving a friend from the Twin Cities to Duluth on New Year's Eve....the 2nd summer that I owned my 900ss Ducati I made a couple of trips up and back after my work day for dinner at the Pickwick....the rides quite quick.

But this presentation is about trains.  The overview of my November weekend was back here.

The video portions of the weekend is over on 'Tube....

Lots of photos here, no captions, the images in the order they were taken.  I take many many so that I don't have to remember anything.

There will be more train content soon, of trains long since gone and much closer to home.  Also, regarding the Duluth/Superior weekend I'll Post another that highlights the many photos taken at the Richard I. Bong Veterans Historical Center....soon.


  1. That looks like a fantastic museum! But then again, I like trains. Especially steam…

    1. Hey Richard, it's an amazing museum...the trains and the historical portions of the old depot. I've promised myself to not wait another 40 years for my next visit.

  2. Have visited that train museum several times.. always informative and fun :)

    1. Absolutely worth a visit, even if you didn't think you enjoyed trains. There's so much other history connected in the complex.

  3. I occasionally saw inspection pickups in the olden days at Downtown Standard, but I really like that '57 Pontiac.
    I definitely LOVE the pic of the Duck at your old house.

    1. Thanks Moh, I don't ever remember seeing autos with the rail carriages, only the more recent trucks. It seemed unique to me.

  4. I KNOW what's behind door #1, but what were your folks driving in 1978(?) ?

    1. I had to dig deep for this one, my guess was dad's green Nova, possible the Aspen that he got when Gramp quit driving.
