Wednesday, March 13, 2013

On The Way to Poy Sippi

A beautiful June day....sure it will get wetter but that's what early June is often about.


  1. Yep, sometimes you don't have to chase, it finds you.

    1. Keith, a sort of hide and seek dance?

    2. Indeed, here it is often a hide and seek game. You can get rained on without a cloud in the sky and at other times you wonder how it passed you by.

  2. Coop - love how you've brought out a memory and given us something to look forward too all at the same time. Looked like the kind of day you might, or might not have been caught in the rain. Great sky though.

    1. Karen, you were spot on. I was sure that I'd get it good but got to Fondy (Fond du Lac) and had the bike unloaded before there were any drops and there weren't many. I basically chased the clouds east out over Lake Michigan.

      Thanks, I plan to just Post a photo now and then of some of my rides....or places.

  3. OK. I know I'm in trouble when looking at that photo makes me burst into tears.

    1. Hey Martha, we'll be seeing green ditches and lovely clouds very soon; June's long days are SO nice to look forward to.

  4. Such ominous clouds.

    I'd much rather have them in my mirrors and try to outrun them, but sometimes you just need to turn into the storm and ht it head on. In life and on two wheels.

    1. Trobairitz, these clouds looked much worse than they turned out to be, at least for my ride. I had ridden in bright sun all day and here, with the late afternoon sun highlighting dark skies to the east, the contrast seemed very strong that day.

      Turning in, head on, especially when you have a choice is often the very best of solutions. I rode on daring the clouds to make me wet and they only teased me.

  5. Coop:

    One day I would like to ride on a road like that

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. Bobskoot - a road like that may just lay ahead of you ...

    2. Bob, I'm thinking that our VStar Lady is a very good prognosticator. This is a quiet road in rural Wisconsin on a Thursday afternoon. You would, no will, be very surprised at how many of them there are, just begging someone from western Canada to explore.

    3. But Bob, there are many, many roads in B.C and Alberta that look just like this...

      I like the way to storm clouds look.
