Saturday, March 2, 2013


If I wasn't meeting my wife and daughter here, I'd be DOA


  1. You sir are a brave man.

    Me thinks there will be to many people in there for comfort. I bet you have fun though.

    1. Trobairitz, it was a busy place yesterday and it took some bravery on my part :) I even kidded with the waitress at lunch about it and she suggested a 'reinforcement shot' to help me cope but I went without.

      Meeting daughter and wife there for lunch at Crave was fun, the food supremely fine and I DID enjoy it.

  2. Replies
    1. Richard, you're looking at Lego Land at the Mall of America, an unNATURal tourist destination for the world. It's a shopping amusement park, a junket for people from everywhere and an escape for Minnesotan's in both seasons to avoid what's outside.

      It has been in local news a lot lately since our revenue-hungry state wants more taxes; we don't currently have a sales tax on clothing or unprepared food. There are many clothing stores (1000?.....) at MOA that do big business, or so the story goes, because of cheaper clothing.

  3. With a quick trip to Google and a guess ... this is the "Mall of America?"
    Hadn't heard of it before and my question is who let the snake loose?
    Really, I'm with the gals in your family Coop - sounds like a fun afternoon when there's nothing but snow outside.

    1. You nailed it Karen. We drive right past in our daily commute and my fingers have enough digits to almost count the times I've stopped in the many years it has been there. The Coop women clothing shop there and were all the incentive it took for me to meet them for lunch yesterday.

      My old quip has been "if I can't buy a fencepost there, why shop there?...our local farm store has everything I need."

      MOA is a social event, place to be seen and a commerce magnet. On a warm summer weekend, I won't be Posting a photo of the captive Lego Snake, of that you can be sure.

  4. I would of just found the bar......

    1. Roger, I'd have been honored to join you there....let me know when you're coming over and I'll make one more, easy exception.
