Thursday, March 20, 2025

Instrumental - 2025/03/20

The timing wasn't planned, this is just working out this way.  Still sorting/cleaning, 4 more years of Harley Davidson Enthusiast magazines need disposing of.  Last Post, I announced my upcoming anniversary celebrating my obtaining the legal ability to operate motor vehicles, both those with 4 and with 2 wheels.  During that very same time frame and slightly before, this television program was making a huge, personal impact.  Nary an episode was missed.

Things (many) were never going to be the same....



  1. It only ran one season... aways wondered why it's not shown today.... In Germany the opening credits was much more risqué then the American ,,,, Or so I read... What became if the iconic Sporster... ? :)

    1. I don't ever remember hearing the fate of that bike or bikes. I did hear that there were more than a few owners who did theirs to match.

      I do remember your info about Bonnie.

  2. "Man, I wish I was you."...."Well, hang in there." That, and the bike that falls down a ravine that's repaired with a rock.

  3. I guess you can tell I watched it too.

    1. I want to say 7 PM Wednesday evenings...made mid-week Special!

  4. But then, didn't EVERY male who is at least 65 years old now and has ridden a motorcycle, watch that show?
