Saturday, June 10, 2023

More Than One.... - 2023/06/10

...way to make the Lake Pepin circle route.  However, in a perfect world they all would start like this.

Here's 'ye olde standard', the one everyone does by habit, a great loop on nice roads.  Roughly 70 miles in length and plenty scenic enough.

Today's Better option looked like this.... and this one 115 Better, possibly Best miles.

Here's Laura Wilder preparing for Living History at the Laura Ingalls Wilder wayside.

Plum City Trout Pond....

Along County A...

Private motocross track.  Missing are the doe and her twins that got away before the camera could capture.  I saw 3 does with offspring today.

Patriotic Cupcakes...can it get any better than this??
Today I stuck with the curds...but there's plenty of time before the 4th!

At home, the first radishes are in...

Some work.... 

Some (more) play....

Arthur gets dirty....

Then all 50# get clean again....4 months old tomorrow!


  1. Never ridden a solo Bullet... mine has a " appendage " aka sidecar. Nothing much better then thinly sliced radishes with a hint.. just a hint ..of salt. :)

    1. You'll have a chance to try a solo Bullet in Iowa. Maybe a radish or two as well!

  2. Nice new sticker on the yellow Honda

    1. It's a Wonderful new sticker and makes the Helix International!!

      Thank you for it (them).
