Saturday, July 18, 2015

Lorem Ipsum - 2015

A few years ago I almost didn't make the event due to my Slip'N'Slide.  Last year I missed it completely, or rather Lauren and I did because the Helix decided to leave us stranded due to a bad bearing.  This year we made it, the "we" being J.P. and myself.

I arrived at the arranged meeting spot a bit early....

J.P. was right on time though so we took off down the Wisconsin side of the river, stopping at a busy Pier 4 in Alma for breakfast.  In no hurry, we finished our chow, taking some back roads south when it made sense.  Buffalo City, Trempealeau, New Amsterdam, Holmen, West Salem, Barre Mills, Westby and finally Viroqua.

Chad was there, freshly back in Wisconsin after his awesome Alaska trip.



The Nimbus was back....

Ludwig and John came up from the BBC rally........

The old Tobacco Warehouse looks about the same, I didn't go inside for any book shopping this time, avoiding that temptation.

There were stickers.....

Fortunately for us, there was some shade.....

though this KLR apparently has seen mostly very direct sunlight.....

The ol' Flathead was there...

Glen was there with his 225, busy up here working on his Wisconsin property rather than on his other home piece in Texas.  Not sure who the early model Concours belonged to.

The two of us left, made a few stops and some Long Way Around Loops, working our way mostly towards home.  A gas stop, something to drink twice, a late lunch and home.  J.P. had another hour plus to get back to St. Paul.  We agreed that it was a good ride for a warm July day.


  1. I have to admit that in-between the eclectic collection of bikes, that new Indian caught my attention. Looks very nice.

    It certainly looks like a hot day, Coop. Hard to imagine that you get these long and cold winters, on a sunny day like this.

    1. The Indian caught my eye as well. J.P. had test ridden one and encouraged me to do the same. While we were in Viroqua it really didn't feel too bad but part way home it seemed the winds calmed and we were glad to be moving through the air. Later in the evening it got quite pleasant.

  2. A nice ride out and a good mix of bikes. Glad you found some shade to rest a bit.

    1. The shade makes so much difference, hard to believe sometimes the relief that it provides.....for free.

  3. Awesome day ... are you sure the KLR wasn't supposed to be pink? Pink is good.

    1. I wasn't absolutely sure but there were plenty of members in our discussion group that were convinced Red was the OEM color. It's not really a Pretty Pink, but I suppose an acceptable shade. Much better than hiding in someone's garage and not getting used, that's for sure.

  4. Great pics as always my friend.It's killin me not to have a bike.But I've been pulling 60 hour weeks for the last two months.I wouldn't even have time to ride.Hopefully work gets sorted by next spring.I've written off riding for this year.

    1. Thanks Scott, always appreciate hearing from you, riding or not. Word on the street is that next year's riding is going to be excellent!

      Are you going to be our Tenderloin Ride organizer emeritus until you can once again assume your active role??
