Sunday, April 21, 2013

Spring - April 11, 2009

Coffee at Diamond's, a nice turnout on a sunny, April day..

The '70 Honda SL100 in the background that I rode over on, not from home, rather from a nearby suburb.

Kaleb showing proper contempt for the photographer, he standing next to 'his' bike......someday.

Kaleb all set.....Grandpa still talking.......


  1. Coop, there's something missing in all your pictures. Where's the snow????

    I'm positive it's done snowing up here. I had to repair the snow blower. I replaced the skids under the auger and replaced 2 shear pins. I even changed the oil. Now that it's ready to go again, it won't snow until fall!!!

  2. Erik,
    I've seen the 10-day forecast.....let me know how this works out :)

  3. The little one is so sweet, or should I say handsome... :-)

    1. Sonja,
      This was 3 years ago and yes, Kaleb was a ratio of sweet and handsome. He's grown a lot and I'm guessing the ratio is still there, maybe shifted a bit though.

  4. Coop I love your pictures! Your grandson is one cool dude!

    1. Thanks Dar, those guys are really fun to hang around with; a great variety of people, m/c interests and rides. Kaleb is a great grandson, though not mine. I'm not even a father-in-law yet and as far as I know, still quite distant from being one.

  5. That is a nice array of bikes. And look how dry and sunny it was.

  6. Brandy,
    I was to the city early, stopped by dad's place to get out of the car and on the then-his green Honda. It was a beautiful morning, perfect for a small bike ride in the city.

  7. Coop:

    Isn't it nice to look at old photos and the things you remember . . . Lucky you were able to take photos back then, are they digital.

    I have lots of negatives and photos that need to be scanned but I don't want to do it

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. Bob,
      My memory can be very short, that is until I see a photograph of something that I once thought important, then the memories can flood in.

      I've only been taking digital since the mid-90's. Many of the 'public' ones are on Picasa, prior to that I stored them on Photobucket.

  8. Coop - you're hanging with some cool bikes. It didn't pass me by that the plate on Grandpa's bike reads Kaleb - he's my kind of granddad (spoken as a true 'nana.') Grand kids with attitude, perfect! One day it may happen to you :)

  9. the reason " KALEB " is on the bike? There will be NO question who gets what bike after Grand Dad gets the dirt side view of the grass... :o)
