Friday, February 8, 2013

Wisconsin to Yellowstone...1932

A lot has changed......

For a quick review, Gramp rode his '19 Harley Davidson to Montana in 1922 to visit a relative and to find work.  He met his future wife there, they eventually wound up in Barron County Wisconsin where he began carrying rural mail for the Post Office.  By July of 1932, they were able to take their first vacation.  My Great Gramp went along with the young parents, Great Gram stayed home to babysit the 6 year old (my dad) and the 2 year old (my aunt).

As explained, this trip was taken in their car, w/tent and various gear.  On their following trips, for which there are detailed reports that fill a 3 ring binder, they used Gramp's home-built camper trailers.  They stopped at not only scenic places, but visited various friends and family on the way, many of whom had been my Grams' neighbors in Vananda, MT when she was growing up there.  Much detail follows and it may get a bit long, but there are some real gems here, things I had NOT heard sitting next to Gramp on the davenport as a little kid.

I could have included the OCR files I've made, but find Gramp's typed pages too charming to not show.  He was a letter writing Master, not for quality but rather for the quantity of writings he shared with family, pen pals, his digging for genealogy facts......he simply loved to correspond.  I can't imagine what he'd have thought of the Internets.

They're a bit tough to read though and for that I apologize.......


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Yellowstone Detail


  1. Coop - makes me wish I had chronicled my trip to Yellowstone for my grandaughter(s?). I love reading the archives from my family - we have no epic journey recounts, but a lot of day to day things were written down. Thanks for sharing.

  2. VStar Lady, mom and dad have kept personal diaries for what may just be forever so it seems I must have the habit to continue. Exciting adventures or day to day, looking back can be very rich. At least when it's there we've got the choice.
