Reservations had been made ahead of time at the Rider's Rest Motel in Eureka Springs. Much had been written about the place being a motorcycle-only motel for area riding, so I thought I'd give it a try. As expected, I was the only scooter present during those days with cruisers and Gold Wings the most prevalent. There had been a National Rally for 'Wings the week previous, so many of the riders were heading home, planning to spend time in northern AR.
You can see the lonely little Helix, beyond the shelter, out by itself. I just didn't have the heart to compete for covered space with the guys that were concerned with every fly speck on their windshields.
My machine was the only one that had an ADV sticker I'm very sure.
I was in The Clark Gable room, no surprise there.....
"Motorcycles Only" and note the enforced speed limit....
The first order of business was to connect with daughter Lauren, whenever she would be free. With a summer job at Opera In The Ozarks, she was committed to morning practice and evening performances certain days of the week, so my schedule was arranged around those times she'd be free, with solo rides and exploring set for those times when she'd be busy.
The Helix came home after the long week with just over 2500 miles in total, 500 of those miles were with Lauren on the back, two-up. We got out in all directions from Eureka Springs and since she was without a car down there, she got to see much of the area that she would not have otherwise.
The famous Christ of the Ozarks, 65' worth...
At the War Eagle Cavern, our tour guide had MN violin/bow connections; people that Lauren knew well.
On the tour, the entrance to the cavern....
Then it was off the Pea Ridge National Battlefield Monument, the Pea Ridge battle responsible for shifting MO into the Union rather than the Confederacy.
My first armadillo sighting with one actually moving and not pancaked on the road....
Elkhorn Tavern, a crucial fixture in the Civil War
We looped back to Eureka Springs so that Lauren would get back for an evening performance. This is the single lane suspension bridge at Beaver, AR
There were signs demanding a 10MPH maximum which these folks were obviously disobeying. Note the movement of the suspension bridge.
Inspirationally lovely and peaceful Thornton glass-built chapel.
We stopped for a cooling-off swim at Beaver Lake Reservoir before heading back to Eureka Springs.
The next day I went out exploring on my own. West of Eureka Springs at Inspiration Point, very near the Artists Colony where Opera in the Ozarks is headquartered.
Out for a day loop ride to the east and south of Eureka Springs, early morning here.....
Thinking I was up for an Arkansas Rustic Road or two, I started out on this one but it soon turned a bit rough for a MN Helix, so I turned around and headed back, only to find additional adventure very soon.

Cr-329 , rough and rocky. Not far past this corner, I was riding a straight south section at 20-25mph, which was maybe 10mph too fast, when out of the corner of my eye I noticed something whitish racing along beside me. With a sideways glance, I quickly discovered one of those large, square-headed dogs, running at full speed....on the other side of a few strands of barbed wire, which I deduced to be a pasture. Assuming that the dog would soon tire, I was extremely disappointed to look over and see the dog still there, no change in pace, the dog's lips still flopping in the wind. The nastiest surprise was ahead when the dog's 'sister' was up ahead, waiting for me in the center of the rough gravel. By this time I was going 15mph too fast for conditions. Before long there were dogs running beside me on both sides, one behind a fence, the other slowly drifting closer, now no longer in the opposite wheel track and easing into my 'lane'. I was watching hard for the zillions of rough, sharp, large rocks. I didn't stop for a photo until I'd passed their farmstead and comfortably out of the pups' range. It seems I so seldom have dog trouble these days, even with the preponderance of time I spend on back roads. That incident more than made up for my miles of trouble free doggie issues.

Breakfast stop at Kingston at the Valley Bed and Breakfast
In the Buffalo River Valley....
Historic Boxley Valley....
Stopped here for a break on a AR74 ridge, many, many 10mph switchbacks ahead.
Rotary Ann rest area.....
Back in downtown Eureka Springs, an authentic Leg Lamp.....
A real shortage of flat real estate in Eureka Springs.....