Sunday, February 2, 2020

Finally Some Sunshine

They're telling us that our January was the cloudiest on record.  It certainly felt that way though I continue to maintain that as winters go, this one's been gentle so far.  EVERYone agrees and to a person we are reminding each other about last winter when it looked as though we were on the downstretch and the snow kept coming.  Anyway, not only was it sunny but it felt like windy April out there today, 43 degrees at 6:13AM.

But I'm ahead of myself here...Saturdaystarted l ike many do, a Coffee session at Diamonds.  This one was different however in that we were graced with Eric and his lovely bride's first visit.  Now they both have seen and can bear witness to why we are the way we are.

Not long after 9, it was time to head downtown for the Minneapolis IMS gathering at the Convention Center.

Progressive was there....didn't see Flo but did see a couple of Flo-like young women.

Once again this year, not too many photos.  I DID do a lot of yakking with friends, never having to walk very far between visit stops.

Some Vintagers......

One of only a few Ducati's on the floor...

Many examples of electric machines, small and large.

There were wheelies....

Later, Saturday evening, a SOLD OUT Leo Kottke show at the Sheldon Theater....I didn't even need a coat to walk there a few doors away.

I overheard the gentleman next to me say to his wife, "There's a lot of old people here...." and he was right.  My Feet Are Smiling, not my first LP but darn close was released while I was in high school.

As I've heard before, last night he finished his set with, "OK, that was my last one and now I'm going to do the encore....that way we can all leave together..."  I enjoyed last night's show as much, probably more so than that first show long ago.

This morning (Sunday) it was just too nice out to be inside...

On a Sunday morning sidewalk.... I was actually feeling quite good.

A very long CN northbound....

Ice flows crinking a few months the monster paddlewheelers will be docking here.

Ice fishermen on the ice early, a bay off the river.  I was hoping to get footage of one of them driving out onto the ice.  Instead, I was only making the patrolling Sheriff nervous.

Slippery sidewalks....the snow a better path than what often only looked like bare pavement...warm enough this morning to put water on top of ice.

After my walk, back to the farm to get some work done in the shop but first, a stop at the fabric store.   Peg probably has a truckload of batting somewhere but I can't always expect her help; I need to figure out a few things on my own.

Some things I need are no longer available.

We're getting there, lots of little things that need attention, lubrication, corrosion removal, adjustment, etc.  Some friends were actually out today or so they claimed with our abundance of abundant mild weather.  In our downtown location we hear train and vehicle traffic, some of that vehicle traffic this afternoon was motorcycles, of that I'm certain.


  1. Nice sunset shots/silhouettes Doug!

    1. Thanks Dom, it was a lovely morning to be out, temperature as well as the views.

  2. It was rather balmy today.... did something today I hadn't done in months.... drove around with the ugly white truck window down.

  3. Doug, I put on 20 miles today on the f650, and it was heaven. I envy you getting to the Kottke concert - somewhere I have my copy of "Circle Round the Sun"; "Easter and the Sargasso Sea" is one of the most beautiful things he's done. Got to the show Friday, and the Enfield rep knew you well! I hope you got to talk to "Longhaul Paul" at the Yamaha display- he rode to the show from New Hampshire!

    1. Roger, good for you getting out! I wondered but just didn't have the time. The old project T3 with accessories left the building over the weekend, making lots of new room in the garage. :)

      Your mention of those tunes got me thinking and then internetting. My LP's are tucked away, tough to get to but I know where they are. I believe I've got a dozen, quite easy to do with that extra finger I possess.

      Lissa and I had a quick chat; she had customers aplenty and while I was there a couple of female riders that caught her attention.

      I skirted the fringes of the Yamaha booth, it was very crowded! Did manage a quick look at the properly sized new Tenere. Didn't realize that the Hampshaw guy was there.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Just edited for effect.
      Thanks for nothing, Doug. Now I have Pamela Brown stuck in my head! As usual, I'm going to get Tilt Billings to remove her.

    2. It was fine Steve, saw it on my phone but Safari doesn't let me comment on my own blog.

      We got Pamela Brown the other night and Eight Miles High, which stuck in my ear and flowed through me mostly On for a couple of days. I was kinda hoping for Little Martha....maybe next time.

      Open Country Joy was recently recorded when my girlfriend bought me 3rd Row Center tickets at Orchestra Hall for my birthday...maybe 1980??

      Now for the next couple of days....
