Sunday, September 9, 2018

Picture Perfect September Couple Of Days - Friday, Saturday

Not only has it cooled off to temperatures more September like, the weekend  was sunny bright and simply lovely.  Proud of myself for getting so many things done and lots of riding in, truly a weekend that should go into the archives.

Thursday evening I finally got after the Himalaya, oil changed and valves checked.  It was even washed!!  Again, I waited almost too long for mowing the lawn.  Hopefully next time I can get the deck down to Level 4 rather than hay-mowing-Level 6.

Friday morning the Helix was out for some errand running, a visit to a friend's Open House, the License Center for some new tabs, a couple of local bills dropped off and a short side trip, all for almost 100 miles on BIZZIE.  In the evening, Peg and I visited mom's assisted living BBQ event, food good and what appeared to be great attendance; many residents and their families enjoying time together.

Saturday's invitation to join some friends for a ride was welcomed and acted upon....what a great time, their company, the riding conditions and Dave's route.  We met near Waumandee, made a gas stop in Fountain City and had lunch in Galesville.  After lunch, I split off (the 3rd person to do so) and mostly took a direct route home.

7:23 Saturday morning is what the image file reports....2 cords out of the tank bag; one powering the GPS, the other my plugged in Volt jacket, first plug in since last spring.

Swinging onto the gravel, off County 10...

County 77, the back way down into Read's Landing.

The Ponderosa in Cream......

 County E, I was fifth in line behind Roger....

County E and Hwy 95.....

Roger had left the group and there followed a bit of confusion....

Lunch in Galesville....

We had a 20 minute wait for a table so popped across the street to visit the Farmer's Market that was wrapping up.

I was awarded the Punch Card as Most Likely To Return....7 punches already but could use a little help for a Free #11??!!

I decided that I should ride through Perrot State Park instead of riding around it like I seem to have done numerous times recently....

Then I crossed the river at Winona and decided it was high time to revisit Whitman-Deering and Taylor Hill roads; a bit more gravel necessary before getting home.

My Track for the day....

Closeup of the Min Maint roads....

I'll include the vitals again, always think the graph is interesting.

Peg texted wondering if I'd be home in time for a BLT before she went out for a walk.  Avocado, spinach and potatoes from the Farmer's Market, the tomatoes and herbs from our garden.  We do not nor did we have, any hogs.

I was in fact home in time.