Monday, July 29, 2019

Sunday Monday

Mom, remember when I used to bring home pretty rocks?  Found a good one today while washing off my boots. 

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Friday Saturday

There will be time later for the fancy stuff....just too much work and too complicated.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Iowa Moto Guzzi Rally - Elkader - 2019

Well it took some extra time to get this one Posted.  I've been out of town for a couple of days for work and as luck would have it, was in Iowa only a few miles away from where we spent a joyous weekend for the Iowa Moto Guzzi rally.

Here's the story, hope I got it mostly correct....exaggerations to a minimum.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

A Week Is A Long Time In A Flooding River's Life

Saturday, Day 3 of my July 4 weekend found me up and out early, once again up to Mpls to enjoy coffee with my pals at Diamonds, 7AM our agreed upon time of first sip.  There were bikes, there was Pete's old "A" and my red van is back  there in the distance.  From just the proper number of multiple cups I was off to GoMoto to pick up my freshly mounted Breva rear tire and then made the return trip home.

It was late afternoon before I was able to get back on the bike; the re-installation of the Guzzi 750 wheel probably the most involved wheel off/on process of anything I own.  I did get 'er done as they say.

Hanna, thinking about her old dad, kindly brought me a gift....a scroll with some very important information to be rolled out.  With all of the time I've spent over the last months paying attention to (and learning from) you Preppers, Hikers, Cooks and Boondockers (you know who you are!), our youngest saw these and knew that I had to have one.

I haven't worn a Paracord bracelet to the mall yet but that day may come.

Without a plan but an interest in putting some miles on the newly shod Guzzi, I headed one direction, quite surprisingly traffic and a split second decision then sent me off in the opposite direction.  River flooding, standing water and excessive moisture seem to becoming part of my being, my psyche.... certainly part of my riding plans since it's becoming darned impossible to avoid those surroundings.  The day's ride once again found my machine with wet and muddy wheels.

Here was the ride, 90 miles worth....

Zumbro Bottoms flood waters receding, I decided to attempt the North Unit once more and this time I got through perfectly fine.  A few puddles to aim around, riding conditions not bad at all.  Trails for the horses, still not open though.

For most of the year, this area is intended for horses and for hikers.  Two weekends a year the off-road motorcycles are allowed on the extensive system of trails.

Crossed Hiway 61 and took a right, down past the old 61/Zumbro River bridge and along the huge dike that's been built to keep the Zumbro where it belongs.  The river itself right now is where it belongs but 5+ inches of recent rain has lakes where soybeans are supposed to be.  Too bad the farmers didn't plant rice.

Small plants in rows are what belongs here....

Standing on the dike looking from whence I came .....

I broke down and went traditional.

The Moto Guzzi will get loaded for the weekend, the marque properly ridden to the Iowa Moto Guzzi Rally.  We're all excited.